The new campaign

Made my day

Every day is made up of lots of little things able to transform our day from ordinary to extraordinary.

Leafing through the pages of your favourite newspaper.
Walking in the park and discovering the warm fall colours.
Spending a day shopping with a special person.
Drinking a hot tea while time slips slowly by.

True happiness is sharing simple moments, and this is why Intrend is here to accompany you every day. Celebrate your extraordinary everyday life with us.

Modelle indossano cappotti azzurri viola e arancio

Modelle indossano cappotti azzurri arancio e viola

Long belted coat


Tweed dress

3 colours

Double wool coat

6 colours

Long belted coat

4 colours
Modelle indossano tailleur rossi e neri

modelle indossano tailleur rossi e neri

2 colours
3 colours

Beaver pea coat

2 colours

Pure wool pea coat

Modelle indossano cappotti marrone cammello

modelle indossano cappotti marrone cammello